Saturday, 1 August 2009

Striking the right chord

Its way into its 10th day and i must say its very steadily treading its way..For those who are little off track from the news channels and papers i am referring to the resident doctors strike for a hike in their measly stipend,the security issues and living conditions...After all MunnaBhai and Circuit have just given a fairy tale version of the lives we live...!!!!
Being a resident doctor myself i feel its justified,but sadly enough we havent been able to stir the entire gujarat's laymen to support us..not that we are all alone..people from different sectors have promised and showed us their support but they are by and large they are people related to the medical services...what we still lack is a full blown support from the people using our services..for them we are still sinners who are nothing but money mongers being quite selfish enough as to overlook the needy and lament upon our own problems;when we should be actually serving them day and night selflessly...
What they don't understand is that we too are human beings..we are just a robot from God to save lives scientifically but robots with a heart,mind and soul..and most of all a functioning body which needs to thrive well to serve better..With the meagre amount of money we get for our sevices is that justified?? I mean isn't it a disgrace to our services?our efficiency??
I just hope people reading this shall understand the right meaning of our strike and not consider it as mere publicity gimmick or way to shun our duties or gold digging idea....
After all a strike does have to "strike it"...right mate??or may i put it in this way...apun logo ke saath justice hona mangta hai mamu...