Wednesday, 29 August 2007


Well it was rakhshabandhan yesterday(28th august)..and also my happy wala needless to say it was enjoyment at its peak....

The day started off with wishes,sms,phone calls and ya gifts...but it ended with this post...

The day was like any other birthday...same but full of surprises..getting in wishes from unexpected people,getting unexpected gifts and yeah the dinner and lunch is always gonna be different..!!!!

Today was rakhshabandhan i made a rakhi and card(above) for my bro,kartik,(he is my colleague too) and yup made some delicious besan ke laddoo too...not a very creative person but tried my hand at the craft work after a long time...(i remember getting a meagre B grade in school for it)..And yeah to top it all it rained heavily for a couple of hours too...

Finally i went to the temple,which of course was deserted due to rains..and i quite enjoyed the serenity of the surrounding...felt a oneness with GOD...thanked HIM for the beautiful day and prayed for few more ones to come...

Friday, 24 August 2007


Finally yesterday i went to watch "CHAK DE INDIA" a beautifully portrayed movie about hockey..actually women's hockey team..and needless to guess it said more than it showed...
Here's how the story goes..the failed Indian hockey men's captain and centre forward acquitted of being a traitor tries his level best to bring back the faith of the nation in the game and give hockey its much deserved place at the top at par with he gets a job as the coach of the women's hockey team..and even with all the personal differences the girls come together and play for their country..and of course bring home the world cup..
The movie has slapped many national officials right on their face..with the girls side dwindling on the sex ratio statistics,i guess the people ought to see the movie..and of course for all those who keep on grumbling about "what did the country do for them and they could do for the country"stuff ;this movie is a must shows that its not always about how u perform,its about how your country performs..and if you give your best shot forgetting all about regionalism and cast ism India will soon find its place at the top in almost everything...i mean come on its high time we were known for something more than yoga, bollywood and shooting population rate...
I how ever was thinking something else too..shahrukh khan(who played the coach),well he could himself get into politics and give a helping hand..i mean people worship him and if his movie could create such a stir in young hearts(like me) in real life it could create a movement...and probably something that happened 60 years ago,could be relived..only this time we would be fighting to free ourselves from the clutches of dirty politics of our own nation..and more so our so called "Indian mentality"..
Now i guess the title sounds apt..har ek Indian aaj keh de apne aap se "chak de"!!!!

Tuesday, 14 August 2007


I love reading the newspaper..and this is something which i thank my dad for(apart for the countless things)..And so i am always excited about the SUNDAY TIMES where they print almost everything...from food to fashion,news to nuisance,education to exotic destination short its a must read!!!
It was on this Sunday that i learnt that blogging is almost a decade old..(thanks to my laziness all these years that i stayed ignorant)..and that every second 1.4 blogs are posted..and the blogger maybe anyone from a housewife to an actress, a student to a corporate manager...
I mean when i learnt first about blogging(thanks to my friend ANUJA) i told her i would be too lazy to actually type down my thoughts..(not that i am the eternal philosophical thinker or something..) but its actually an addiction..And since writing has always been my secret passion i somehow cant help myself from staying away..(and that explains the odd timing of this post 1.20 am or something ;in case u didn't notice)
Another hobby that i developed recently is reading..though i am way behind book lovers in updating myself to the latest ones in the stall,its also strongly catching up with I'll be soon posting something on the book i am gonna read in the next few days...
As for now i am back to another hobby of mine(nah..its not MUSIC)..Zzz..zzzz

Thursday, 9 August 2007


On 6th August one of my best friends left for USA..and i never thought that i would post a blog..but i already miss her..
It was cloudy and just when we reached the aiport it started raining cats and dogs.!!!So by default the flight was delayed..To top it all they were not issuing visitor's passes due to security reasons(15th august independence day)
so i waited there outside the glass door;like a small girl eager to see her dad bring her a doll;for her to come and see me after her "check in " procedure...and the security man gave us just 5 minutes..all i could manage to say was take care and a tight hug..!!!sometimes when u wait in anticipation and the moment actually is in front of you,u become aphasic...
But i guess we never needed words to fill in the gap of hours we used to spent..(or i shoud correct myself;she didnt need words..i never let even try,considering the blabbermouth that i am..hehehe)
I'll defintely miss all the times we used to discuss like all teenagers and adolscents do..And also the fact that careers and studies did take away those long hours walk and brought us to few minutes of chat over the phone...all jumbled emotions..happy for where u are and sad at the distance..
Now of course our encounters might beome more frequent,since we would be regularly seeing each other online..And thats an irony in itself!!!
Miss you lots da!!!!