Sunday, 24 February 2008


I have no idea as to how i should describe the day!!!The word most apt would be---
To begin with i woke up late but still managed to be decently late..(i mean 10 minutes is no crime)And i happen to know that a road traffic accident case has to be operated upon..A girl in her early twenties with a cute 3 year old daughter battling for her life..The whole day was spent in managing her..2 professors,3 residents,2 interns(including me),half a dozen anaesthesiologists,and nurses/servants whom i didnt have a count on;all trying their best to put back life into the girl..I dont remember what time i ate coz it was almost closing time at the mess(we took turns to eat)And to top it I still cant imagine we gave 17 pints of blood to that patient..!!(each pint has 300 ml)still not matching with her blood loss which was almost 8 litres..In the end however, i do not know how the patient is doing..since her relatives took her to another hospital...
Such incidents arent new to the hospital staff but for us interns it was touching!!The number of relatives looking at me with hopeful eyes everytime i was running around to get blood pints sanctioned from the blood bank;was making me feel all the more helpless..Yup helpless we all were,for we tried our best that we could to help keeping the patient stable;but sad to say that the patient's vitals were totally fluctuating..
One good thing i noticed was that all her relatives were constantly asking her not to lose faith in the ALMIGHTY..Atleast i am contended that they had trusted us that we had done our best...While i post this,one prayer goes for her on my behalf...After all, we can just hope for the best...

1 comment:

  1. It is difficult at times with such cases, but as a doctor u are the engineering equivalent or rather biological engineer... Such opportunities will help u get fame and trust of people. U see, even today, we just have to see our good old Dr. Kharade from Jogeshwari and we will nearly 80% well. His medicines do the remaining :-)

    Wish u all success


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