Sunday, 1 July 2007


Currently posted under community medicine;its like a reality check for us interns...
During the entire 3 months we are posted at different urban health centres or referral hospitals at the periphery to take a look at the scenario of health facilities provided to the needy and also to polish our clinical skills...(since we are expected to run an OPD whenever the medical officer is on a leave...)
Its been a month now and i realised that being a doctor isnt that easy..and being a good and kind hearted doctor is even more difficult...The medical officer at one of the referral hospitals was not even bothered to hear and write down the complaints of the patients..All he cared for is that he shouldnt be a part of a gross negligence nor should he be overburdened with the responsibility of being the godfather of hundreds of human beings...he just wanted to sit and shout,chew tobacco whole day and let out his vent for not having been able to run his own private clinic for the lack of money....
Seriously speaking i do not know how many of us would be working with sheer dedication if we were serving for our country's government..?? Its easy to blame the lame government system and pointing out loopholes in the administration when we have done something wrong..or when we are frustrated..But do we do the same when we work for ourselves(as in our private clinic or a business for instance)..Why do we become so irresponsible when we work for others?? do we oblige them??(in this instance of course i mean the patients and the government)I am sure the same person i referred to( and for that matter many of us) would have talked in an entirely different tone to the pateints at his private clinic..Is it so difficult for us to develop a bit of humanity in us while talking to people we don't know..??
I am reminded of a very famous dialogue from the movie "MUNNABHAI MBBS"..
"Do not love your patients..the same hand that performs hundreds of operation steadily would definitely start having tremors when you see you own daughter on the operation table.."
To a large extent i guess this is true because you never can differentiate when to draw a line..But this defintely does not mean that you become indifferent to your patients..Specially when they see you as an epitome of kindness and warmth..
I do not know what other realities i'll be facing during my entire career as a doctor;but one question i'd like to get an answer to is "who is to be blamed for the reason that crores of indians still die without a single doctor attending to them;that why despite of such talent India cannot still eradicate rampant diseases;that why the doctor is day by day percieved as a money maker??"
1) We(doctors)....Who take patients for granted unless the cash they pay
jingles in our pockets..who after having spent loads of money and precious adolenscent
years of our life become so sadistic that we tend to overlook other's needs and our
2) The government ....who is yet to prove its worth by directing the resources in proper
direction...dreaming of making india a super power without thinking that illiteracy is what
they need to actually take steps against..
3)The local mass...who are totally ignorant of the health facilities..and the other kind who take
undue advantage of those facilities..forcing us to be unkind and rude..

I cant particularly point on any one choice;after all i am a human... a social animal who loves to put the blame on others..
And this isnt the story of medicos happens in every field;infact every walk of our life...So today just count how many times you have passed on the blame onto others..??And does this game really solve the problem in the long run???


  1. Hiiiiii :)
    To start with, nice post, khaas kari ne when v know wats goin on in psm, and wat v are actually lookin at everyday...

    ......First, if u say bout doctors being negligent, well fault is more of public than of docs, to let them do that.. Its an ignorance on the public's part here in india... Think that a wrong medication is given to patients and patients develops some side effects, patients here then to come again and again to the same doc, and get medications again, and believe me i ve seen doctors at my uhc giving same medications again, even though those side effects can be directly related to those drugs...

    ..........Secondly, i think its the fault of government too.. V have completed 15 days in uhc once smita, and u also might jus feel the same.. Atleast in my uhc, that was the case.. There is a deficiency of so many important medications, some really basic medications, which need to be there.. but they are not... Reason? Lack of supply by government.. They jus dont give enuf attention to these uhc's and phc's...

    ...... Third but not the least, and probably the major factor behind these negligence, Doctors... They can make difference if they want even in such limited supply of medications...


    Ofcourse, i think MO's are paid so less(atleast wat those MO's feel)... And its not as prestigeous a job as being a doc in other hospital..

    ---------And about doctors being graded as "MONEYMAKER"... I wont mind them making money.. THey have worked for years for this.. And personally, there are few who are up here through all the hardships.. ANd in this world unfortunately MONEY is something important, if not everything... Ofcourse, these money making should not be at the cost of Publics health - the primary goal of any doc.. And that is on a doc to understand...

    .........It can only by coherent work and understanding of all (These docs, Our so called progress seeking government along with our ignorant public) which is needed, only then may be an ablution of all such malpractice is possible..

  2. ....Forgot to ask u one thing smita-- And not only to u but to whomsoever who reads this comment of mine...

    ........Well i knw u love pedia.. Say u ve completed PG in pedia... Will you like to actually work at these UHC's or would u prefer being a pediatrician in some graded hospital????


    ..............I think answer to my question quite well may explain situation in UHCs and why those who have studied well dont opt to be there... And so remains the layer of those pple who have not studied anythin significant during their MBBS.. and they become MOs.. And what do u expect from them --- A highly skilled pratitioner givin almost perfect treatment everytime???????????????????????

  3. brilliant blog smit.. liked the essence. too good. tk cr..

  4. well nikunj..u r right there...
    and as i said..i believe fault lies ineach step..
    and yeah given a chance i wouldnt be working in an UHC instead of a multi speciality hosp..but if by any chance i do end up there,i know i'll be honest to my job..
    and there are some MO's who really put their heart and soul in that...thats why i wrote this blog..!!!
    hope u got ur answer...

  5. Your writings are amazing. Awesome. Not only this article, but also all other blogs... Impressive.


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